Norwalk Pontos

admin Norwalk

Παναγία Σουμελά

Saint Mary of Soumela

Panagia Soumela is a monastery near Trabzon, a symbol of 16 centuries of Pontian Hellenism. According to tradition, in 386 the Athenian monks Barnabas and Sophronios were led to the deceptive mountain peaks of Pontus after the revelation of the Virgin Mary, in order to establish her solitary abode. There, in a cave on the […]

Saint Mary of Soumela Read More »

περιοχες-του -ποντου

Sinope – Amisos – Trabzon – Kerasounta – Amaseia

The most famous cities of Pontus were founded or re-established by the colonists of the wider Greek area, who were the connecting links between the metropolis and the new homelands. These cities developed rich cultural and economic activity, either in connection with the mother city, or independently. The first colonists were the Ionians from Miletus,

Sinope – Amisos – Trabzon – Kerasounta – Amaseia Read More »


The course of the Pontic language in the face of the major issue called “population displacement”.

In 1922 and after the end of the war events that occupied the Balkans and especially Greece and Turkey during the decade 1912-1922, the Greeks of Asia Minor and Thrace were forced as a result of international agreements to move away from their ancestral homes. As early as 1829, many Pontians fled to southern Russia,

The course of the Pontic language in the face of the major issue called “population displacement”. Read More »